Our school is very lucky to have it’s own separate dining room and school meals are cooked fresh, daily on site by our school cooks. We cater for all dietary needs and we offer a range of nutritious options every day.
All children usually stay at school for their lunch. They eat in a separate dining hall in three sittings of 30 minutes, although there are spaces for children to stay and finish if they need a little longer. Sittings start by children being brought into the dining hall by staff, followed by grace being said. For their first few weeks in school, children in Reception are supported by older pupils to learn the lunchtime routine.
The school runs its own catering service with a menu which changes two or three times a year, with a choice of two hot meals (with a vegetarian option) with pudding, fruit or yoghurt on a three week cycle. The catering manager is able to cater for children who are vegetarians or have special dietary requirements and will adapt menus to suit these. Below is an example menu – Summer 2023

At the end of the autumn term, most pupils have a school Christmas dinner.
Children also have the option of bringing a packed lunch. These should not include chocolate bars or sweets. We also encourage the inclusion of fruit and other healthy options in packed lunch. Still drinks should be sent in sealed plastic containers.
The school meets all guidelines in respect of allergen legislation. Please speak to a member of staff if you require information regarding allergens in school food.

Should parents wish their child to change between packed lunch and school dinners, a part from in exceptional circumstances, this can only be done at the end of a half term. Payment for school meals and other payments to school, are made securely online via the ParentPay website. A unique username and password will be provided. Parents who wish to make payments using cash can do so using the PayPoint service available at local convenience stores. Further information is available from www.parentpay.com. Payments for school meals must be made in advance for a minimum of one week’s meals, but parents are welcome to pay monthly, half-termly or termly if they wish.
Free meals are provided for all pupils in Reception, Class 1 and Class 2 under Government policy.
Application forms for free school meals for older children may be obtained from the school office.
Click here to download our menu This menu is subject to change (for example if a delivery hasn’t arrived or there are issues with stock)
To make a payment using ParentPay please click here
Healthy Snacks
Pupils are able to bring a water bottle which will be sent home each day to be cleaned and refilled. Bottles should be clearly marked with their name. We do not allow ‘squash’ type drinks.
During the afternoon, children in Reception have access to snacks and drinks. Class 1 and Class 2 are given a piece of fruit every day.
Children in classes 3 to 6 may also bring a healthy snack for morning play. At breaktimes we do not usually allow crisps, chocolate, sweets, cake, or cereal/cake bars with chocolate, jam or icing, although from time to time we will allow treats. For example, children sometimes bring in cakes for birthdays or sweets as a present for the class from holiday and we do not turn these away.
Acceptable healthy snacks include:
- A piece of fresh fruit
- A small tub of prepared fruit – cucumber sticks, peeled orange segments
- Dried fruit – bananas, raisins, currants, sultanas, apricots, citrus peel
- Fresh vegetables – carrot sticks, chopped peppers
- Seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, poppy
- Bread sticks
- Marmite or cheese sandwich (but not jam)
- Piece of cheese
- Slices of malt loaf
- Fruit bars – these must be dried pure fruit only
Please note that pupils will not be allowed to eat unhealthy snacks or drink squash, so please do not send these items to school as they will be returned home.