School Council (Think Global, Act Local)

Our school council’s mission is to make a difference – in school and beyond. To reflect this mission we are referred to as the ‘Think Global, Act Local’ group which is also a link to the fact that we are all global explorers and are passionate about being courageous advocates in what is best for members of our community (which we see as being local, national and global).

We are proactive by supporting activities relating to our curriculum, planned events in our local community and national and global events and initiatives.

We are also reactive – encouraging our community to support local challenges and international appeals.

Our work is always underpinned by our core Christian Values, British Values (Rule of Law, Tolerance, Democracy, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty) and equal opportunities.

Our initiatives planned for this year already include:

Harvest Festival – collecting items for our local foodbank

World Toilet Day – 19th November

Martin Luther King Day – 15th January

‘Show the love’ for climate change – February

Fairtrade Fortnight – early March

World Malaria Day – 25th April

World Day Against Child Labour – 12th June

"Ours are the eyes through which His compassion looks out on the world. Ours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Ours are the hands with which he blesses the world." - St Teresa of Avila