Please contact Chelsea if you need wraparound care during term time and there's still time to sign up for the half term holiday too!
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It was such a beautiful morning that KS2 were able to get on the field for the fist time in weeks!
Angus was having a great time playing fetch, the Mass Dance Club were practicing and Class 2 came out to watch as they wanted to know what the music was for!
Darlington School Sport Partnership
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***** Exciting news for our wonderful school ****
We really hope our current families with younger children will consider accessing our school-based nursery - please get in touch if you want to find out more!
Also, we'd be very grateful if all our families could share this information with anyone with younger children who is thinking about nursery provision as we'd love to welcome them to our new nursery from September.
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Year 5 have shown great levels of maturity and understanding during our NSPCC assembly in class today. They have learnt about the different types of abuse: bullying, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and physical abuse.
They completed a task in which they thought about the people that make them feel safe and secure, places that they feel safe and items that bring them comfort.
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If you recognise this lovely hat, it is in our Lost Property box!
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Class 4 had a fantastic afternoon at the Tennis Skills event at the Dolphin Centre yesterday afternoon. They developed skills in aim, accuracy, ball control and speed. Each one was a credit to the school with their resilience and teamwork.
Well done Class 4!
Thank you to Darlington School Sport Partnership as always for putting on another great sporting event for our children.
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Another target breaking week for attendance overall and two classes who came SOOOO close to 100%.
Well done everyone!😉
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The after school Sketchbook Science Club has been investigating plastics, using branch diagrams and sorting into a caroll diagram. Then the children looked at 'The Big Wave' by Hokusai making observations and learning about the painting. They then sketched an outline in pencil, looking at shape and form of the wave. This week the children enlarged the outline onto cardboard and painted in white and blue acrylic paint.
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That’s Part Two of the Mass Dance learnt - these children are smashing it at our after school club!
Darlington School Sport Partnership
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