Children are encouraged to look outwards, to those around them who face challenges, and to act as the hands and feet of Jesus in ways which can bring change and can improve challenging situations. Our school is particularly proud of the open and courageous way, inspired by our school leadership, which our children advocate for equality of love and relationships. We actively and passionately advocate tackling racism with direct teaching and explicit activities and discussion. Our children can courageously articulate how our actions can bring light and hope to people facing difficulties or prejudices.
We teach our children about British values throughout the school year, taking advantage of events in the news and our curriculum to help them become modern citizens. The DfE has reinforced the need ’to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’
At St Mary’s Cockerton Primary school we have reflected on what ‘British Values’ means to us and agree that our mission statement and ethos encompasses and promotes all that is expected and to which we aspire everyday. We want our school community to be proud of, and value, where they come from and have a shared understanding of what it means to live and learn in Britain. We seek to nurture this in all we do and ensure that we actively promote mutual respect and value of every person. We believe our Christian mission leads us to understand British Values alongside our Christian Values:
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Hope
- Thankfulness
- Wisdom
- Trust
We endeavour to provide a rich curriculum and learning opportunities to enable all pupils to better understand and live according to the values of our nation and, therefore, contribute to our society and the world community as a whole. Moreover, in our caring, Christian community, we seek to nurture the spiritual and moral self in every individual, so that they can fulfil their true potential, valuing themselves and others, in all they do. Through prayer, school rules, worship, work, and play, we build upon our welcoming Christian ethos, promoting a culture of respect and love for people, from all backgrounds.
We do this by:
- Having a coherent set of school rules, which are referred to consistently throughout school in all activities, with a clear consequence and reward system

- Encouraging pupil to make decisions on a micro (self) and macro (whole class/school) level, not least with regards to behaviour
- Promoting a specific Christian value each term, giving pupils a focus of how to respect themselves and others

- Charitable works, such as fundraising for different charities, chosen by the children, and contributing to national awareness days.
- Education about, and tolerance of, our own faith, and the faiths of others, with ‘real’ experiences and opportunities to explore religion and beliefs
- Teaching the children to look after themselves and others through E-Safety, anti-racism and anti-bullying days
- Opportunities to make democratic decisions, such as our School Council members
- Strong links with local PCSOs, police, firefighters, and other key figures in the community
- Celebrating our British Heritage and other local historical events
In this way, through celebration of diversity and promotion of respect for all, we believe our pupils value themselves, others, and the world around them, living out their own Christian vocation, as well as according to the values of principles of our nation.

Our whole school approach very much involves a very close partnership with parents and carers. Children, families and all staff are proud of what it means to be a member of our school community and show this through the following statement, ‘This is how we do it here’.