It is important that all adults working with children understand that the nature of their work and the responsibilities related to it, place them in a position of trust. The Staff Code of Conduct provides clear advice on appropriate and safe behaviours for all staff working in our school.
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher: Mrs Aitken (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs McTimoney (SENDCO / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
English Lead: Mrs Dowson
Maths Lead: Miss Wheatley
Teaching Staff
Reception – Miss Clarke
Year One – Mrs Atkins
Year Two – Mrs Mason and Mrs Gill
Year Three – Mrs Davison and Mrs Gill
Year Four – Mrs Nicholson and Mrs McTimoney
Year Five – Mrs Dowson (English Lead and member of the Senior Leadership Team) and Mrs Gill
Year Six – Miss Wheatley (Maths Lead and member of the Senior Leadership Team)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Carter, Mrs Habberley, Mrs Gwyther, Mr Rawlinson, Mrs Simpson, Mrs O’Neill
Classroom Support Assistants: Miss Pall, Mrs Bell, Miss Pattinson
Teaching Assistant Apprentice: Miss Coates
Support Staff
School Business Manager: Mrs Broadbent
Fun Club: Chelsea and Babs
Office Staff: Mrs Jones
Catering Manager: Miss Cassidy
Catering Assistant: Mrs Rogers
Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants: Miss Pattinson, Mrs Peaurt, Miss Bullock, Mrs Hurst
Premises Staff: Mr Matthews and Miss Matthews